About me
Hi! My name is Gil Mizrahi. I am a software developer interested in using types and functional programming to build useful, real-world software.
I enjoy working on compilers, games, web apps, and concurrent programs. I also really enjoy writing and sharing knowledge. In my blog I write about programming and Haskell with the purpose of making complex topics more accessible.
Notable projects
Some of my notable open-source projects are:
Giml is a functional programming language built live on stream.
GlideVM is a stack-based bytecode interpreter written in C and also built live on stream.
Nyx-game is a bullet-hell shoot-'em-up game written in Haskell using sdl2.
bulletin-app is a bulletin board website written in Haskell.
sqlite-easy is a SQLite3 database library.
Logi is a logic programming language inspired by datalog.
For more projects check out my gitea, gitlab, and github profiles.
Notable writings
Some of my notable articles and tutorials are:
- Learn Haskell by building a blog generator is a project-oriented, online, and free Haskell book.
- Haskell study plan is an opinionated list of resources for learning Haskell.
- Building a bulletin board using twain and friends is a tutorial for the twain web framework.
- Compiling lisp to JavaScript from scratch in 350 LOC describes how to build a simple compiler in Haskell without any 3rd party libraries.
- Giml's type inference engine is a tutorial on unification-based constraint solving as implemented in Giml.
- Purely functional games describes my experience building a bullet-hell game in Haskell.